BrainTeaser | Sherma E Benosa

Life is a puzzle; we are the clues, and God is the answer.

“If You Know Who You Are…”

If you will remember who you are, you will find your way through it.”


It’s been a long time since I came across this line. It was uttered by a character — the heroine’s father — in the prologue of one of my favorite books by Richard Paul Evans, “The Looking Glass.”


The first time I read the line, I did not grasp what it meant. For then, I did not yet understand what the father was trying to do. But when it was repeated toward the end of the book, my tears flowed freely like dam breaking free. Finally, I realized that the father was trying to save his daughter, Quaye. The line was the father’s desperate attempt to make his daughter understand that what he was to do was his only hope to save her.


And he did save his daughter. Quaye lived, and she did get through life.


There are times when I feel as though I were Quaye, and it was my father who had whispered those words to me. Since I read that line, many trials, big and small, had come my way. And this line had greatly helped me to get through them. Every time I had doubts, I would repeat that line in my head, and a stronger resolve come over me, allowing me to keep going.


As I continue with my journey, I know there will be humps I will have to pass through, diversions I may have to deal with, and dead ends around which I will have to try to find my way. There will be stopovers, and there will be accidents I may personally be involved in or simply witness. There will be times that I would stumble, and there will be moments I would feel too tired to go on with my journey.


But I believe, like Quaye, I will get everything that will come my way — intact, though scathed — because I have not forgotten one moment who I am and that I am loved.


I will keep walking on. Because for every slippery and unpaved road I need to pass through, there will also be sceneries whose unfolding I would witness. There will be friends I will meet along the way who will make my load seem lighter. There will be laughter and there will be music as there will be flowers blooming.



//Sherma E. Benosa

16 November 2007; 2:35pm


What’s your favorite line (in a song, book, poem)? And why?


9 comments on ““If You Know Who You Are…”

  1. raft3r
    July 14, 2008

    this is my favorite line
    but it’s from a song, though
    (Natalie Merchant’s Life Is Sweet)

    life is sweet inspite of the misery

    astig, diba?

    just dropping by to see how you are doin’

  2. brainteaser
    July 14, 2008

    Good morning, Raft3r! I’m doing fine. And you?

    Hey, thanks for sharing your fave line. I wanted to ask a question at the end of the entry, but couldn’t think of a good one.

    You gave an answer, I figured out the question! Nyehehehhe


  3. sonnetshaven
    July 14, 2008

    Hello, I like entries like this:) It’s like a game with a good purpose. My favorite line is from Paulo Coelho’s The Alchemist. It goes, ‘when a person really desires something, the whole universe conspires to help that person realize his dream.” I have carved this line in my heart because it made me realize in many different instances that no dream is too distant:)

  4. virtualfriend
    July 14, 2008

    Here’s the line I like… I can’t remember the exact wording though. It goes something like this:

    There are other qualities than brilliance in a successful person and we should not burden ourselves with unqualified compliments.

    It’s from Trevanian’s book, “Shibumi.”

    I’ll give you bonus points if you find that book Buddy!


  5. Salve
    July 15, 2008

    i cried reading The Looking Glass. Definitely one of RPE’s most touching stories.

    here’s a line that i like. the opening narration in the film adaptation of Neil Gaiman’s Stardust:

    “Are we humans because we gaze at the stars or do we gaze at the stars because we are human?” Pointless really. “Do the stars gaze back?” Now, that’s a question.

    Really pointless. But I always find myself asking those questions whenever I’m up at the roof and looking up to the heavens, thinking of our “little angel” up there.
    Do you have any answer? 🙂


  6. brainteaser
    July 15, 2008

    Hey Buddy I wanna know the prize first. Heheheehhehe! You don’t know how resourceful I am. Hah!

    Hey Salve Girl, I don’t know the answer, but I like to believe that the stars do stare back at us. I imagine them to be even smiling, or how about winking? To me, they are a happy souls that inspire dreams and love and other good things that fill my heart with joy. 😉

    Starry night to you, friends!

  7. virtualfriend
    July 15, 2008

    Oh Salve my dear friend, here’s for you: “Bukas, luluhod din ang mga tala,” by Sharon CuBeta hehehehe! (Salve, yang ngiti mo…..)

    Buddy here’s for you, from me: “alam mong tutuhugin ko lahat ang mga bituin, mapasa akin ka lamang….”

    For both of you: how’s my Tey-Gey-Log? 😛

  8. virtualfriend
    July 15, 2008

    Hey Buddy, this maybe off topic but will you define TLC please hehehehe!

  9. brainteaser
    July 20, 2008


    TLC – Tender LOving Care. Why?

    (Oooopssss! Am not sure if I should have asked the ‘why.’ Can I take it back?)

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